Selatan 1950 南漂油

小女儿很喜欢,搽在痒痒蚊虫叮咬的皮肤,搽上去冰冰凉凉的感觉,很止痒 — Stephanie
朋友推荐这个南漂油,用了感觉良好,自从年纪大了,做起家务经常腰酸背痛,搽这个上去确实减轻了不少腰疼,不会油腻 — Mdm Wong
之前经常肚子胀风很不舒服,现在每晚睡前搽这个南漂油,胀风问题少了很多。 我妈也经常容易头晕,给她试下搽一点在头两侧太阳穴,可以帮助减缓头... — Cecelia Yeoh
涂上去的感觉凉,快速止痒👍👍 — David Cheong
好用,价格便宜,蚊虫叮咬 & 肌肉酸痛效果很好, 商家服务良好👍 — Wong
有效缓解肌肉酸痛拉伤,适合一家大小使用👍 — Vavian
我家小妞鼻塞,试下搽在胸口 & 背部后, 睡得很香, 辣度温和刚刚好, 会在回购 — Sophia


20世纪初,一批勇敢的华人先辈远渡重洋,凭着自强不息的精神和勇气,赤手空拳来到了遥远陌生的国度---马来亚。 他们拓荒开垦,披荆斩棘,种植橡胶,开采锡矿。严酷的劳力生活,潮湿炎热的气候,经常都会忍受腰酸背痛,蚊虫叮咬或伤风感冒等症状,让刚到南方的人无所适从。 后来他们使用祖辈的中医常识,并融入当地南洋草药疗法,最终研发出独特的当地生活草药秘方——“南漂油”。 “南漂油”的功效,舒缓着人们在劳力,气候和地域生活所产生的问题,成为他们生活风雨中的可靠良伴。 “南漂油”不仅仅是关于草药的传承,更是关于一种两地文化情感交接的传承。它见证了华人先辈们一代又一代的勤奋与智慧,也见证了他们对家园和祖国的深情厚意。 如今,“南漂油”已经不仅限于马来西亚,而走向了更广阔的世界。 今天,我们怀着感恩之情,将“南漂油”带给您。愿它在您的生活中,为您和您的家人带来健康和幸福,让我们共同把先辈们宝贵的 “南漂油” 继续传承下去!

Embrace Care of Southern

In the early 20th century, a group of courageous Chinese ancestors embarked on a journey to Malaya—a land entirely unfamiliar to them! Driven by unwavering determination, they toiled tirelessly, planting rubber trees and mining, enduring the harsh local weather conditions that caused them to suffer from backaches in addition to mosquito bites. Relying on their forefathers' medical knowledge, along with local herbal remedies, they created "Selatan 1950", a medication to provide relief from the hardships of labor and the environment. "Selatan 1950" represents not only a herbal tradition but also serves as a cultural bridge between the two lands. It reflects the hard work and wisdom of Chinese ancestors across generations and their deep love for their homeland. Today, "Selatan 1950" has expanded beyond Malaysia, and we wish to bring it to you with gratitude. May it bring health and happiness to your life, preserving the precious legacy of our ancestors.
马来西亚正宗南漂油 (45gm) 传统药膏 【功能】肌肉酸痛拉伤,祛肚风胀气,头晕目炫,蚊虫叮咬,止痒消肿,鼻塞感冒 【使用方法】外用敷抹患处 【主要成分】兰花,老姜,东革阿里,麒麟竭,尤加利 【注意事项】只适外用
Selatan 1950 (45gm) 【External Pain Relief Balm】 Product Description: Tradisional external pain relief ointment. Active ingredient : Orchid, Tongkat Ali, Ginger, Resina Calamus Draco, Eucalyptus Product Benefits : Experience natural relief for a variety of discomforts, including muscle pain, common cold symptoms, headaches, insect bites, and heat strokes.
南方的呵护 Embrace Care of Southern